International Fashion Designer
GBS-CIDP Liaison &
Patient Advocate
Entrepreneur, Author, Consultant
GBS-CIDP patient advocacy makeover sessions, RENEW by Lizz Russell & Friends, will be held at the GBS-CIDP Symposium San Diego 2018 at the Hilton Hotel at Mission Bay. Lizz Russell has invited her close friends who are celebrated fashion stylists, makeup artists and hairstylists from film and television to join her in donating their award winning services, including a professional fashion photographer. They will revamp the look of survivors from San Diego and around the world who are registered at the GBS-CIDP Symposium. The “RENEW” sessions will offer a warm and friendly ambiance of peace and rejuvenation to a couple of dozen patients and their caregivers who request a makeover. Lizz Russell is the Liaison & Patient Advocate for the GBS-CIDP San Diego Chapter. Lizz and her friends say, ”since the GBS-CIDP symposium is coming to our hometown of San Diego, we especially want to do a good job for all who choose to participate in our make-over sessions.” Fabulous gift bags from RENEW by Lizz Russell & Friends will be given to the patients who choose to attend this very special session. Visit our website for profiles of Lizz Russell & Friends at http://www.lizzrussell.com
Lizz Russell is a celebrity fashion and couture designer based in Southern California. Born and raised in San Diego, Lizz began to sew at the age of twelve, and later refined her talents by studying Fashion Design at Mesa College in San Diego Co. She began her professional career designing evening wear and has since caught the attention of countless celebrities in Hollywood and others from across the United States and beyond. The Lizz Russell Collection has expanded from evening wear to include her acclaimed Rose Handbags and exclusive jewelry collection. Annually in May which is GBS-CIDP Awareness Month, Lizz hosts a luxurious Spring fashion show, Cocktails & Couture, in the elegant Versailles Ballroom at The Westgate Hotel located in the heart of downtown San Diego. The fashion show honors Robert & Estelle Benson, the Founders of GBS-CIDP Foundation International. A portion of the show’s proceeds is donated to the foundation.
More than a designer, Lizz Russell is also an inspirational storyteller. She released an award-winning autobiography entitled, “Smiling On The Inside.” Lizz tells her amazing story in a frank and honest way that resonates in the heart of anyone who has faced sudden illness, affliction, or devastating disease. Lizz was an aspiring fashion designer when GBS attacked her nervous system. Today she extensively travels across the nation as a successful entrepreneur and tells her story of survival in ways that give inspiration to every listener. Lizz’s book is currently available in selected bookstores, Amazon.com, and on her website, http://www.lizzrussell.com